Youth Camp Registration Form

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Youth Arts Academies coincide with Columbus City Schools spring, summer and winter breaks and include instruction by professional artists in dance, theater, music, visual art, and literature. Field trips and meals provided.

For Summer Academy Only (Optional)
Payment for Before and After Care are due at the King Arts Complex building.

Participant Information

Participant Name(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please enter a number from 5 to 13.

Emergency Contact Information

Primary Contact Name (For Emergency Contact)(Required)
Primary Contact Address (if different from participant address above)

Secondary Contact (For Emergency) (if available)

Secondary Contact Name
Secondary Contact Address (if different from participant address above)

Authorized Pickup Contacts

Primary Contact Name(Required)

Secondary Contact Name(Required)

Third Contact Name(Required)

Fourth Contact Name (Optional)

Medical Information

Is an Epi-pen required for any allergy?(Required)


MM slash DD slash YYYY

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